"New Master Class Reveals How To Build Your Own Custom Setups for the NASCAR Next Gen Cup Car in iRacing"
... Without Wasting Countless Hours Through Trial and Error
School of Sim Racing Founder
From the desk of Thomas Brandon.
Marysville, California.
Dear Friends,
If you have ever wanted to have the confidence and the know how, to setup and adjust the NASCAR Next Gen Cup Car in iRacing...
... Then this will be the most important page you will read this year.
Here's Why
Over the past year, I've spent literally hundreds of hours building setups - and as a result, I've figured out the keys to building my own race-winning setups.
Here's What They Are
When you spend 12 to 20 hours a week building setups and testing just the Next Gen Cup Car, you're going to turn a lot of laps and gather a TON of data.
But the data isn't the big discovery.
The biggest discovery is how I ultimately figured out the best way to create speed, while maintaining handling and comfort in the car ... at every track we race at.
Over 10,000 Laps of Data Reveal The Keys to Speed and Grip
In the past 9 months, I've turned more than 10,000 test laps with the Next Gen car alone ...and every time I had an awesome setup it all boiled down to one thing.
I found - that no matter what track I'm building a setup for, there's pretty much a "universal formula" that can dependably create fast, comfortable setups.
In fact, after building and testing well over one hundred Next Gen setups, and analyzing more than 10,000 laps of telemetry data in the last nine months, I've been able to...
Create A Step By Step Setup Building Process That Generates More Speed & Grip
Now here's the best part.
Even though the process of setup building and testing can be time-consuming ...
This setup building process is fairly simple to understand. And the amazing thing is...
Knowing This Gives Us An Incredible Advantage!
And the reason why ...
It teaches you how to think about the setup, so you can use this knowledge even if there are future updates to the car, track, or tires.
Here's What This Process Has Done For the SSR Community. What Can it Do For You?
In case we haven't met, my name is Thomas Brandon and I'm the Founder of The School of Sim Racing.
If you have been on the iRacing platform over the past couple of years, there's a decent chance you've heard of our community.
Since it's founding in 2020, we've worked with rookie drivers looking to improve their skills, veteren's that want to take the next step, and even pro's that want to find an edge over the competition.
That's why the SSR community has grown to over 7,500 members and counting.
In fact, we have hundreds of sim racers who are a part of our Insider Program, which is where we provide custom-built setups and video breakdowns for the official race season in iRacing. These insiders look to us every week for one thing: IMPROVING RACE RESULTS.
And the step by step setup building process I mentioned earlier, is...
The Exact Same Process I Use To Build The Next Gen Insider Setups
Now there are a lot of setup, speed and performance shops out there that love to promise you amazing results if you buy their magic setups. And although we have definitely had members of the SSR Insider Program come in and have incredible results, the one thing you need to understand is...
... setups do NOT guarantee good results.
It's impossible to guarantee results when there are so many factors that go into getting those results. One of the main factors, is how your driving style fits with the setup.
Since I don't want to speak to others out there, let me tell you the primary principles of the SSR Insider Program.
When it comes to purchasing setups, you do not purchase a result. In fact, you are actually purchasing two very different things.
First, there is a guarantee that the setups you are receiving have been built and verified to be stable for that given track. This gives you at minimum a very good base to build from.
Second, and most importantly... you are buying time!
You see, when you buy a setup you are buying time. Many people out there don't have hours and hours to invest in building one setup. Yes, you can build a setup in less than an hour, but unless you get incredibly lucky, it's very hard to test that setup and know it will perform over an entire race.
At times, I will personally spend more than 8 hours just testing and tweaking one setup, so I can be confident that I am providing the best possible setup to you.
This is what you get when you are a part of the SSR Insider Program.
And it's my setup building process that is the backbone of the Insider Program.
So, you're probably wondering ...
If This Process Is So Great, Why Would You Teach It To Me?
This is a fair question. And I'll be completely honest and tell you that my intentions are largely self-serving.
First off, I do not believe that this is a ZERO SUM GAME. Meaning, I don't think that others must suffer for SSR to thrive.
Since the founding of SSR, my goal has always been to help the sim racing community. I believe rewards are a byproduct of helping others, they are not the driving force.
I also believe that even if I teach others how to do this, there are still plenty of others out there that don't have the time to do this themselves, or they just don't want to.
And being the evil genius I am, I like to prove that I can help people...
... by actually helping them.
I know, it's a crazy concept.
Which brings me to my second reason for doing this.
If the day ever comes that you don't want to spend time building your own setups, maybe you'll consider going to the person who taught you how to do it.
That's why I am willing to do this.
This Is NOT For Everyone.
In order for me to teach you this process, you have to meet fairly strict (but reasonable) criteria.
1) You Must Be Willing to Invest the Time
One of the most important aspects of knowing what to do with a setup, is knowing what is needed, when it's needed.
In order to know these things, you need to be able to diagnose and feel what's going on with the car. The only way to learn this is with experience.
Yes, I am going to show you the quickest way I know to learn this, but it will not happen overnight. So, If you are not willing to invest some time on this, do not join.
2) You Cannot Be Searching for the "Magic Quick Fix" or the "Unicorn Setup."
These things do NOT exist. In fact, to imply that they do, is an insult to the pros out there that spend countless hours honing their race craft and skill.
Now, that doesn't mean there are not certain things you want to do in order to improve your setups. But there is no magic bullet.
So, if you think there is, and you're looking for it, I can't help you.
3) You MUST test!
Now you might think this is a no-brainer. I mean, after all, how will you know if you're building fast competitive setups if you're not testing them?
Well, believe it or not, there are people that just go out and make a 5 - 10 lap run and then call it good. But, if you really want to learn this stuff, this can't be you.
Testing is not just how you verify your setup's speed and comfort, it's also how you learn to improve it. So, if you are not willing to turn laps by yourself, then this is not for you.
That's it! Those are the three criteria.
Now, if you're still reading this. Let me show you...
What You Will Learn In This Program
This program will be broken up into different training modules. Each module will contain multiple video trainings and materials. Along with the video training, we will also have three separate Live Q&A sessions.
This ensures that if you have any trouble at all with the material, you can be confident that you'll receive the information you're looking for.
First off, you're going to learn the foundational skills you need to do this. What each component of the car does, and how to adjust it properly.
After we have laid the foundation, you'll learn...
How to build long-run setups, without sacrificing all your short run speed.
The Truth About Shocks, and why running them maxed out is NOT the best thing to do.
How to build setups that you can control for an entire race. So you can Race with confidence and say goodbye to unstable race cars.
The one adjustment that can help you eliminate uneven tire wear. So you can optimize your car's grip, which means a more comfortable car, and quicker lap times.
Why a lower race car, is not always faster.
My personal method for testing and verifying your setups, so you can go into each race with the confidence of knowing you have something stable to compete with.
The simple process for turning race setups, into qualifying setups.
How to properly tune your rear diffuser, so you can maximize your down force and speed. Which means better lap times, and a more stable race car on worn out tires.
How to correctly use telemetry, so you can optimize your setup in the most efficient way possible
And Much Much More!
Here's What I Want You To Do Next
Your total investment for this program is a one-time payment of only $25, which gives you lifetime access to the training. So, If you meet the criteria above and you would like to learn how to build your own custom setups for the Next Gen Cup Car in iRacing, then all you have to do is...
... Click the Button Below to enroll now!
When you do, you'll be taken to our secure checkout page where you will input your information and then choose your payment method.
After that, you'll receive an email with your login information for the training program and confirmation of your enrollment.
The first training videos of the program will go online December 5th, and you will be able to access them whenever you want.
So, if you are ready to learn how to build your own NASCAR Next Gen setups, you can enter into every race with the confidence of knowing you have something built specifically for your driving style...
... Click the button below and sign up now!
You'll be glad you did.
Enroll today For a One-Time Investment of
ONLY $25
Remember that we offer a full 30-day refund guarantee, so it’s a risk-free purchase!
You will receive an email with the access information immediately upon ordering.
© Copyrights by The School of Sim Racing. All Rights Reserved.
The School of Sim Racing is a brand of Thomas Brandon Ventures LLC